Another book about exercise and weight-loss? Gag me! So, with the plethora of books that are available, why on earth would I write one? Because no other book offers what mine does!
Every day we are bombarded with endless options on how to lose weight. And still, with all the options and the constant bombardment more than half of us, women, are still overweight! Why?
What I have found is although many of the options inform us about various diets and exercise programs, they don’t explain in detail HOW to successfully lose weight and keep it off! And, keeping it off is truly the hard part! Exercising and controlling your food intake for a couple of months is one thing but doing it consistently for years is a different matter. Furthermore, few of the options, if any, address the psychological issues that are so important in achieving and maintaining a successful weight loss.
In “How to Achieve and Maintain Your Happy Weight,” I provide a step–by–step guide that addresses all facets involved in losing weight – from caloric management and exercise advice to the psychological issues that affect us, women. We are much more emotional about the ups and downs of our weight and much more critical of our bodies than most men are of theirs. How we deal with our emotions can help us achieve our weight loss goal or sabotage it completely!
One of my beliefs is that we all need to enjoy life, and part of enjoying life is eating delicious food. There is nothing I enjoy more than savoring rich, high caloric food with a glass or two of wine! But I have learned to incorporate ‘trade-offs’ in my food consumption. Discover the many tools and tips my book offers to help you manage your caloric intake better!
Let me introduce myself. I am not a fitness guru nor a nutritionist, so I don’t ‘live’ at the gym or eat super healthy all the time. I am an average woman like many of you who fights the “battle of the bulge” every day! However, I hold a master’s degree in exercise physiology and was part of the fitness industry for over 25 years.
Over the years, I have practiced my own personalized “keep in shape” plan that has allowed me to maintain a body weight with which I have been very happy since my mid-20s. I am now in my late 50s, and I have only increased one dress size in the past 30 years. And, I gave birth to twins!
My purpose in writing this book is to genuinely inspire you to become more fit and healthy but still enjoy the pleasures of eating; and, I don’t mean rabbit food! I hope you use my book as a ‘road-map’ to achieve and maintain your very own “Happy Weight” – the weight at which you will feel more content, self-confident, and healthy!
So, let’s start our adventure together to a happier you. I promise it won’t be boring!
With sincere sweat,
Cecilia Halseth